

At the Annual General Meeting 2024, the registered auditing firm Öhrlings PriceWaterhouseCoopers AB was the auditor for the period and the authorised public accountant Daniel Algotsson was the lead auditor for the audit. At the Annual General Meeting 2024 no new public accountant was appointed and  the question of a proposal for an auditor was re-referred to the Nomination Committee for consideration at the upcoming General Meeting. The company is therefore currently without an auditor.

The auditor is appointed by the Annual General Meeting for a term of one year. The auditor's task is to audit Fastator's annual accounts and financial statements on behalf of the shareholders, as well as the management of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer. The lead auditor also submits an audit report to the Annual General Meeting, an opinion on the application of guidelines on remuneration and other compensation and an opinion on the Corporate Governance Report. Shareholders are welcome to ask questions of the auditor at the Annual General Meeting. Fastator is required by its Articles of Association to have one or two auditors with a maximum of two deputy auditors. A registered accounting firm may also be appointed as auditor.